Awave Studio Review
Audio Converter - Instrument Editor - Music PerformerFrom Developers
Awave Studio let's you convert, edit, play or process a huge amount of audio & synthesizer file formats (around 260 different formats!), including CD-ripping, MIDI SDS or SCSI SMDI transfers, reading of non-Windows compatible AKAI, Kurzweil and Roland CD-ROM's, conversion of mobile phone ring signals, simple MIDI editing, editing of a vast array of synthesizer instrument parameters, do batch conversions, use any out of several 'wizards' that allow you to easily perform common tasks on multiple items at once, do sound recording, direct auditioning of sounds & instruments, and much, much more! Here are a few examples: - Do you have a strange audio file that you want to use but can't figure out how to convert it into any sensible format that can be used by the other programs that you use? Maybe you even have a large number of files that you need to convert or process in some way? Chances are good that Awave Studio can help you! - Are you a composer? Ever wanted to take advantage of all those free instruments found on the web but they're not in the format that you want? Or perhaps you have sample libraries that you've purchased for one synthesizer and now want to use them with another? Awave Studio can help! - Ever wanted to play a MIDI song that comes with an 'instrument bank' that were created for another wavetable sound card than yours? Awave Studio cannot only make high quality conversions between the most of the major sound cards; it can also load both the actual MIDI song plus the instruments and play it directly for you! And that?s not the end of it - it can also render them into audio recordings for you! - Need an instrument editor for your synthesizer or wavetable sound card? Or not satisfied with the one that you have? Try Awave Studio! - Convert FM-synthesis instruments into wavetable (sampling) synthesis instruments! - And much, much more!
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