VisionLab VCL

VisionLab VCL Review

Delphi/C++ Builder VCL/FMX Advanced Computer Vision Library.
5.0.3 Version :
Not Rated Editor's rating :
Platform :
Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP
USD $550.00Price :
798248 KBFile Size :
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Developers KitCategory :
Mitov SoftwareCompany :
11-10-2012Release date :

From Developers

Delphi/C++ Builder VCL and FireMonkey (FMX) components library for advanced computer vision. The components allow rapid development of fully featured advanced computer vision applications with zero lines of program code. It includes Canny edge detection, Adaptive Threshold, Hough Lines, Contour Finder, Target Tracking, Face and object detection, robust features detection(SURF), Connected Components, Background subtract, Chamfer Matching, Contour Fitting components. VisionLab also includes video capturing, recording and playback components based on both Video For Windows(VFW), and DirectShow, so no additional components are needed in order to start building computer vision applications. VisionLab also includes video capturing, recording and playback components based on both Video For Windows(VFW), and DirectShow, so no additional components are needed in order to start building advanced computer vision applications. Free for non-commercial use.

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